Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dragon Age 2

Key features

  • You play as Hawke (human male or female), champion of Kirkwall.
  • The game takes place over the course of a decade and shapes itself around decisions made.
  • New combat mechanics designed to put the player in the heart of battle whether they are a mage, rogue, or warrior.
  • A new cinematic experience.
  • Updated graphics and a new visual style.
  • There will be opportunities for romance.


Dragon Age II will feature a greater difference between races, meaning elves, dwarves and qunari are being reviewed and redesigned officially.

Gameplay (HD)

So, what do you think about this game? Are you going to play it?


  1. played the first one might look into it

  2. I played the first one too. Not sure how different this is though.

  3. Tried the second one, it's just a simple hack'n'slash. No love for Dragon Age this time :(

  4. This looks hella interesting and I know my brother is going to be getting the game.

  5. I was really dissapointed by the first one;
    Gave one of my fist charchters good armoure, then his dissapeared and never came back.
    So i sold the armour and weapons of my other ppl... and they died :(

  6. Im thinking of buying this game... looks really good...

  7. i loved the first one so ill probably give this one a whirl

  8. Not played the first one, but this one looks pretty cool. Will probably wait for more info before I know if I'll give it (or DA1) a go.

  9. Unfourtainly i've only heard bad things about Dragon Age 2 - so i'm not gonna try it out yet, maybe with some patching, i heard the story is very dissapointing thou, dont think a patch will do anything about that. And since the story should be one of the main things about an RPG it sounds like it really fails on that part :(.

  10. The first wasn't good enough. IF this improves in the way the Mass Effect sequel did, then yes, yes i will consider this.

  11. Just picked this game up, was a lot of fun. the character customization i thought was fantastic!

  12. Still waiting for Diablo 3 man...feelsbad
